Logistics Services

A partnership based on trust

Logistics Services
We deliver innovative logistics solutions no matter how harsh your environment
Helios Bunkering

We offer a comprehensive and integrated marine services to support your project executions. We work closely with your marine and operations team to ensure the operation executed efficiently. Our scope of services include: agency services, customs clearance, crew change and work permits, CCU rental, cargo transportation.

Cargo Transportation

We partner and work with an extensive of manufacturers to supply marine products and consumables whenever you need it to ensure quick turnover and optimal flexibility for your vessels. Our marine products include marine chemicals, fuel additives, specialty lubricants, welding equipment and consumables, gasses and cylinders.


We offer both warm and cold lay-up services in Labuan and Brunei Bay. During the entire lay-up and reactivation period we can offer technical support, logistics, husbandry and maintenance services meeting our customer requirements. Our layup program has been developed to ensure your vessel is preserved and maintained at the most cost effective way.

Integrated Logistics Support Services

01.Warehouse and Yard Management

We perform end-to-end yard and warehouse services for our customers include material management, customs declaration and reporting services, with an understanding of our clients’ requirements for prompt deliveries and a commitment to health, safety and environment.

02.Marine and Offshore Waste Management

We provide marine and offshore waste disposal services and tank cleaning solutions. We are able to remove it quickly and responsibly, whilst ensuring that tough compliance and documentation standards are met

03.Supply Base Services

We provide manpower and rigger to support conventional loading, discharge and handling of offshore supply vessels at supply bases. Our services include material management, cargo planning, cargo inspection, transportation, customs clearance and heavy lifting.

04.Ship Spare Logistics

We help vessel owners to source ship and marine spare via our networks and offer door to deck or door to port delivery services. We understand the importance of timely delivery and have proven knowledge and expertise to handle the time-critical and highly complex business of ship spares logistics

How can we support your project?
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